Tony's blog

Here you will be able to find articles about my work, thoughts or anything I find interesting.

In several projects, I've noticed that it can be useful to validate max filesize against the `upload_max_filesize` in php.ini. Let's take a look at how to write a validation rule to achieve this.

June 26, 2024Profile photoTony Masek

After quite a long time solely in web development, I decided I’d like to try to extend my knowledge a bit. Because I’ve always eyed iOS development and wrote a simple game about eight years ago, I decided I wanted to give it a proper go.

June 13, 2024Profile photoTony Masek

I’ve been using Puppeteer quite a lot for OG image generation. I’ve installed it many times without any issues, but on my last attempt, I kept getting a 403 error, when trying to download Chromium. So today I will share how I made it work, even though it is more of a workaround rather than an actual solution.

June 11, 2024Profile photoTony Masek

Let me show you, how I like to structure routes inside my Laravel applications into multiple files and how to automate the route registration process.

May 20, 2024Profile photoTony Masek

I finally found the time to swap Pusher for Laravel Reverb. And while locally everything was straightforward, on production I got stuck for a really long time. I managed to make it work and I want to share the solution so that we can utilize this amazing tool such as Laravel Reverb.

May 6, 2024Profile photoTony Masek

Recently I had to run two Inertia.js applications on a single server and both of these applications are using SSR. To achieve this it is necessary to use different ports, but there is a gotcha which can ruin your SEO.

May 5, 2024Profile photoTony Masek

Recently, Google removed clickable map links from search results in the EU. Let's see how we can write a Chrome extension to fix it.

April 18, 2024Profile photoTony Masek

Umami is a simple, fast, privacy-focused alternative to Google Analytics. Let's see how we can install it on Laravel Forge.

April 16, 2024Profile photoTony Masek

Hey, I'm Tony - Full Stack developer from Prague.

March 30, 2024Profile photoTony Masek